Monday, April 18, 2011

Hmm... Holiday?

I have hosted 2 events but end up with a shitty result
1st event 6 attendant, 2nd... 4 = =
2 weeks given for the survey was long! i can complete them in 1 week if some pressure is given,
but nevermind, just take it easy! hehe
Actually i wanted to host event because i need you all to help me to complete a survey while enjoying the gathering... but i think it's ok already! Thanks to Mr. Jackson Gay for getting me some survey forms!

So... what am i going to do in this "holiday", i have chose some movie to watch, and a cartoon, Avatar: The Last Airbender. this cartoon was recommended by Yozer, jun hui and beisi! so i decided to start it on PPS!

Air,Water,Fire and Earth! hmm which is my element?
I'm not cool enough to be the Air. i should be Water i guess! hehe

Sometime it was really bored, so i will search for some contest or games to play , and one of them is the McDonald's Limited edition Coca Cola glasses Game!

That's Simple! Just log on to your facebook and *Like* McD M'sia, then 1.25pm everyday, try hard to register! then choose a poster provided and tag 50 of ur frens! that's easy!
Today i start to try at 1.30pm, and I managed to get the full set of glasses for FREE in just 10 minutes! So i dont need to eat McD every week in order to get the full set of glasses. haha!

(I never get a full sets of any series though =X)
the key to win this game is to keep refreshing!


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Case Opened: Heart Burn!

胃痛 in English is called Heartburn (this is a sensation!), it may be caused by a disease called Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease, 基本上就是你的愤门括约肌松弛了,导致你的胃里面的食糜(带酸性的)涌上你的 Oesophagus, 痛的往往不是胃,而是你的食道!
读理科的都知道,胃粘膜细胞会分泌粘液(mucus)来保护胃,但是食道并没有这种细胞,所以它们就活生生地被酸死……接着你就feel 到 痛了

GORD is only one of the cause of heartburn...
let's have a look on Ms L and Mr. T 's answers on my small survey

有用过Antacids 吗? (eg,Magnesium Trisilicate)

Why can't i make a table in blogger... = =
酱鬼蒙 = =

其实除了我说的antacid,H+ proton pump inhibitor 也是很有效的!
Our stomach produce HCl, H being inhibited, hence there is no more formation of it, and eventually reduce acid to cause pain on u!

Ms L 你的问题已经是chronic 了!如果不不根治,只能用药物来控制病情!
不要给自己太大的压力,stress response 会减低肠胃蠕动,造成胃液停留在你的胃里面,再加上你不吃东西,结果就……

hmm... 大概是这样啦!

Monday, April 4, 2011

留住喜悦· 1st MBBS Exam PASSED

正确来说是我的year 1 基本上已经过完了

今天早上,要考muet , 6am 就起床了,好像很久没那么早了……
到setapak UTAR 时 才 6.45am = = 结果就傻傻的等、痴痴地等
8.00am 考试, 8.30am 出来,
8.45am 我才能走,我就开始飞车到Sg long 去,
大概接近sg long 时,同学SMS 我 说成绩出了,我吓到一下,然后就飞着去 = =

到了parking,我乱乱park = =
然后冲上去computer lab, 我那堆coursemate 已经在那里吹水了,
我到了后他们就空出一个位子给我查,我的心跳到就快要停了 = =
结果不是公布分数,只公布全年的GPA ,我拿到3.0000...
这个是我的aim la...