Tuesday, March 19, 2013

无啦啦被抽书: Fatty Liver

最近,我被问一个很直截了当的问题,什么是Fatty Liver? 他是怎样的?

And so here I'm going to briefly tell about fatty liver and alcoholic liver disease, for my dear friends who occasionally consume alcohol.

Alcoholic Liver Diseases
Q1: Why and How alcohol hurt the liver? How to link alcohol and fat?
The liver the the organ that processes many "chemical" we consumed and so Alcohol, is processed in the liver.
if we consume 100units of alcohol

80 units will be brought into an enzyme cycle "A", and in this enzyme cycle, they used up one of the important substance that is required for Fatty Acid processing, and so this has caused the Fatty Acid to be so unprocessed and they live in the liver...

Another 20 units enter another enzyme cycle "B" and they also used up some substances that has a role in protecting our liver cell, and so our liver will be susceptible to the other damage (Even panadol may harm the liver now)

Q2: Gosh, I drank a can of beer yesterday night, will I get fatty liver?!
No, you will not get fatty liver that is caused by excess alcohol.
There is a certain criteria for u to get fatty liver, binge drinking has a lesser chance to get fatty liver but continuous drinking will.
I found the above website is quite nice! It allows you to calculate how many units u have drank
Alcoholic liver disease does not occur in :
Male drinking less than 28 units a week
Female drinking less than 21 units a week

Q3: I have got a family member with diagnosed Alcoholic Liver disease, Any advice for him?
Well, complete abstinence from alcohol is the key of treatment as long as he is in fatty liver state, but once he had a Cirrhotic Liver(肝硬化), I'm sorry, he will leave you within 10~15 years or maybe lesser than that...

Q4: Can I get Fatty Liver even I did not consume any alcohol?
Yes! There is a group of disease call Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Those who are having Metabolic Syndrome are at risk of getting this.
Metabolic Syndrome (Diagnosed when having any 2 of this...):
Blood Pressure >140/90mmHg

Fasting Blood Sugar> 5.6mmol/L
HDL- cholesterol < 1.03mmol/L

Thursday, March 7, 2013


我喜欢用跨栏来形容一些很难的事情,因为对我来说,跨栏真的很难 = =

我要用4个礼拜的时间,把Year2 和 Year 3 的东西全部读进脑里,包括:
Year 3: 内科、外科、妇产科、小儿科、骨科
Year 2: Research Process,Laboratory Medicine,还有一些比较小的Subject

先别讲Year 2, Year 3读得最辛苦的就是骨科,因为读了很快就忘记,第二应该是妇产科,其中的原因应该是我都不喜欢这两科,但是无论如何,一定要“顶硬上”!!!!!!!

这次不止要读!还要练习检查病人,所谓的Clinical Skill,要练得炉火纯青,Mastery一定要90%以上才可以上阵,这,也需要时间,不是在家里埋头苦干就行的

我完全不要去想如果我跨不过会怎样 (但是其实心里真的有点怕怕)


过了这么久,我还是觉得Phantom很靓仔  = =

Sunday, March 3, 2013


还有一个星期的时间准备……但是我觉得我可能会在妇产科病房战死…… 尤其是产前病房,没有一个部门我实习得那么懒散、那么颓废


在这里除非有在病房内上课,不然的话,我就不会回到病房去了,最主要的原因就是男生在妇产科很麻烦,做检查时一定要有一个女生在旁…… 真的很头痛,别人也有自己的事情要做的,我不可以每次去打扰人家,要人家在旁边,浪费她们的时间

在最后时,理由上是要清楚自己到底在摸着baby的那一个部分,头、手脚、背部和屁股,但是我却连最基本的头和屁股都分不出,我…… 唉……
我当然知道要练习啊!但是……找谁来陪我?我不要浪费别人的时间,难道叫妈妈穿白袍陪我回去练习吗?(怎么现在才想到 = = 这也是一个不错的方法)

读书方面……我对课本举棋不定,我有两个系列的书,一个字很多,很辛苦读;另一个很有趣,但是有些资料可能Outdated,或者就不足够…… 妇产科的笔试是出名难的……怎么办,我到底读得够不够?

