I know this topic should come to an end! but... I must mark down this, no offense ok?
I'm home after the interview, On maple of course, there are so many people here, bird, bui, solar, lm, st, jh, beisi, bear, the chat box is keep floating with new talk
suddenly we talk about studying in Taiwan, well i do not love Taiwan though, when we are in taiwan we need to speak Mandarin, all day long, if u stay there for few years, most of us may forgot how to speak English properly!
我不是鄙视台湾的大学,他们的大学是很不错的,说就说教学用英文,你去外面,只可以说华语,因为你说英语没有人会懂,没那么严重,只是...我也不知道怎样说。有人版的,你看我们那些 Made In Taiwan 的老师,他们的英语 Speaking , 怎样?出去会给人笑吗?不用出去都有学生笑了!
老实说,华语的用途对我来说很有限(我不是读中医),会说,已经足够!至少我不会像国中生那样,最后放掉华文,不过那是教育政策的后遗症,要怪就怪 Najib 的老豆!很多书都是用英文写的,翻译本怎样都比不上原著,对不对?还有还有,我承认我打字不经大脑,用错字不好意思... 我没有侮辱母语的心,华语会讲就好了,至于翘不翘舌、轻不轻声、拼音准不准确,我个人觉得不太重要,我不喜欢用华语打 blog 是因为我的拼音不太好,重要性只在此... 用母语抒发自己的感受当然会比较自然。
至于文言文,对很多国中生来说,很难,也很垃圾,我就X他们了,文言文里面的道理真的很有道理,国中生没有我们那么幸运,他们读的都局限于诗词之类的,教师也不够专业!我没有后悔读独中!我没有后悔讲12年华语!只是我觉得够了,是时候适应一下社会,讲一些人人都听的懂的语言!谢谢 = =
whatever la,things oways change...
english may not be the most popular languange after 5 years...
U are so brave!!
those made in taiwan de..
Bt i agree wif 用母语抒发自己的感受当然会比较自然。
Taiwan de english very worst de meh?
but hor..i still cant accept pp say "会说,已经足够!"
no offense
juz i cant accept
and mayb will bu shuang =)
lol..taiwan sucks..=)
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