Friday, December 24, 2010

Short Holiday, Short Revise

This post was meant to solve my own problem, not everyone can know what i am writing. Just ignore this post

I have been thinking about a problem for a very long time, but stopped because of my business. Until days ago i go to visit my nephews, and suddenly remember of two or even three of them got neonatal jaundice.

My twins nephews, whom i love very much, they have this problem. That time i was just form 5, asking my mother: Why is it so?
After looking at Wen Xuan, 3 Days old:

and she say : Their mother did not take good take of herself while pregnant
2nd question : What is the consequences?
she say : No good lo = =

As for Jing Xuan, he was not that lucky, he need to stay in the hospital and undergo Photo-therapy. 5 days after born, he was home.
With his brother

ah... this is obvious, and days later they was sent to hospital again for the therapy
3rd question: What is the use of exposing the yellow baby to UV ? Aren't UV radiation is harmful to our skin?
Answer: bilirubin crosses the blood-brain barrier and binds to brain tissue. The term "acute bilirubin encephalopathy",associated with an increased risk for bilirubin-induced neurologic dysfunction (BIND)."Kernicterus" is used to describe the chronic and permanent sequelae of BIND

Mum say: Let them not so yellow lo = =

That time i have not enough knowledge to interpret what i have found online. Fortunately, now i have the ability to answer all my questions.

Neonatal jaundice!
Almost all newborn infants develop a total serum or plasma bilirubin (TB) level greater than 1 mg/dL , which is the upper limit of normal for adults. As the TB increases, it produces neonatal jaundice, the yellowish discoloration of the skin and/or sclerae caused by bilirubin deposition

  • normal neonatal changes in bilirubin metabolism resulting in
  • increased bilirubin production,
  • decreased bilirubin clearance, and
  • increased enterohepatic circulation.

  • bilirubin production is two to three times higher than in adults. This occurs because newborns have more red blood cells (hematocrit between 50 to 60 percent) and a shorter RBC life span (approximately 85 days) than adults.
  • The increased turnover of more red blood cells produces more bilirubin.Bilirubin clearance is decreased in newborns, mainly due to the deficiency of the enzyme UGT1A1. UGT activity in term infants at 7 days of age is approximately 1 percent of the adult liver and does not reach adult levels until 14 weeks of age
Breast milk jaundice appears to be caused by a factor, which has not yet been identified, in human milk that promotes an increase in intestinal absorption of bilirubinemia.
  • Structural isomerization to lumirubin — Phototherapy converts bilirubin into lumirubin via structural isomerization that is not reversible Lumirubin, a more soluble substance than bilirubin, is excreted without conjugation into bile and urine.
  • Photo-isomerization to a less toxic bilirubin isomer
Exchange transfusion is used to remove bilirubin from the circulation when intensive phototherapy fails or in infants with signs of bilirubin-induced neurologic dysfunction (BIND).

They are really adorable twins:

Grow up happily, and most important Healthily
叔叔 will always love you!

1 comment:

conie said...

what a loving future doctor.. haha