我毕业了! 这五年说长不长,说短不短,但是就这样过了,我现在是一名医生。我会在彭亨州Temerloh做 Housemanship Training, 为期两年 学医之路并不在这里止步,我要当专科医生!我会不继自我增值,让自己的医术更加高明。偶尔也想参加一些和医务有关的公益活动,帮助别人 我相信只要我用我以前的那份心,我一定可以顺利地走这条路!大家为我加油吧! =) 这个blog 就用来记录路途中所发生、所见到、所领悟到的东西,我也会把一些我们以前对于生病一些错误的概念矫正! 开始时捱一些苦 栽种绝处的花 幸得艰辛的引路甜蜜不致太寡 陈奕迅--《苦瓜》
sama sama T_Tlet it go ~~~very duo luo -.-
yea yea~let it go....the hardest part is over
u open ur eye big c me how to beat cheng seng la..he wont so lucky everytime..
i support you...i noe you will win in the following paper...you r 5sRen's hope!!!!
thx for your encouragement!i will do my best in ityes, yesthe hardest part is over!work hard for the future~!
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sama sama T_T
let it go ~~~
very duo luo -.-
yea yea~
let it go....
the hardest part is over
u open ur eye big c me how to beat cheng seng la..
he wont so lucky everytime..
i support you...
i noe you will win in the following paper...
you r 5sRen's hope!!!!
thx for your encouragement!
i will do my best in it
yes, yes
the hardest part is over!
work hard for the future~!
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