Wednesday, July 7, 2010



This week we got a lecturer from UM to teach us Virology( all abt virus)
this uncle come in and ask:
How many of u wanted to be doctor because of u wanted to help the poor?
non of us raised
"Good! those doctors saying themselves wanted to help the poor either they are liar, or they are vry naive and dumb dumb! " = =

"Doctors are the most selfish people in the world"

"Hepatitis B blood test by lab is RM8, i charged my patients RM120 " = =

"Human papilloma virus vaccine for cervical cancer is Rm180 from dealer, i charge my patient 300--350 "zzz "and this vaccine really less profit" = =

"how? dont think the other things, how many effort u put in your study now? Do you want to earn RM100k---RM200k per month?!"

i know his lecture will surely be very fun. Dont forget UM medical school is the No1 in M'sia, with best lecturers, best facilities, but quite high rate of graduates got sacked because of some mistake...

Rumours of Antibiotic : Antibiotic disrupt the immunity of the human body
Antibiotic is used to treat bacterial infection, but why doctor still give u antibiotic even u have viral infection?
because it was used to prevent Bacterial infection! just to avoid any complication to happen!
(normally our sore throat are cause by viral infection, pain 1--3 days then cured)
(bacterial sore throat will cause fever, so antibiotic is 100% needed)

He said he had never read, heard, saw any side effect of antibiotic! but antibiotic prescription is quite subjective.
just see what the doctor perscripe.
Broad spectrum antibiotic 有杀错,无放过, good and bad bacteria all kill, this doctor is jin yan doctor. This 1 really impaired the body
but narrow spectrum antibiotic reli not that efficient but do less or no harm to the body.

Rumour of Chicken Pox
生水痘不要 冲凉、吹风等等
he still add Dumb Dumb chinese = = (he is a chinese pun)
most 忌 is sweating! it will worsen the pox!

Rumour of Sexual transmitted Disease = =
ok... 有些 Virus 在下面生长,有些在口、脸等等
一旦查出老公有 virus 是 ST(sexually transmitted) 的
最后很有可能把下面的 virus 传到上面去 = = (画公仔唔好画出肠)

还有他说 STD 很难避免,he said
"you all imagine la... Will you having a "good time" happily then before u start, u say STOP, get condom 1st! Will you?"
that's why it is a great effort to get rid of it = =

Rumours: 生蛇?
水痘的 Wave 2 就是蛇
而“蛇” 是跟着、沿着Dermatome(皮肤反射区) 生的
看下下面的图, T1 的后面接的是T2,如果“蛇” 生在 T1 ,就不会去T2了 = =
Then he say chinese dumb dumb again = =

Chinese has 50% rate to get Hepatitis B infection,
Friends, get your injection!
Hepatitis B may lead to Liver cancer****

Chinese are more prone to Nasopharyngeal cancer (鼻咽癌) why?!
research shown because of our favourite 咸鱼 generate Carcinoma
so eat lesser or avoid eating 咸鱼!

Girls, get your cervical cancer vaccine!
Prevention is better than cure!

我不知道还有漏没有,想到的话再 Add-on



show me more babe..i like this..

Unknown said...

mayb u can open a

but it's nice information for us la XD

4everskyline said...

yala,doctors are very selfish one! rly wtf...

conie said... geng!

Wayne 慧雯 said...

Ben lou I like your informative blog=)